Whether you need experienced and professional Window Tinting, Suspension Lift Kits, Truck Accessories, Custom Wheels and Tires, or even Car Audio Equipment - Backroad Customs has a wide range of specialized Services that can meet any need.
From mild to wild they can build it - like After-market Bumpers, Custom Forged Wheels, and Truck Accessories from the leading companies in the industry. They also offer Painted to Match Parts and Powder Coating. No matter your reason for needing Premium Specialized Service - Backroad Customs can help. Don't wait to get started today.
Backroad Customs offers a wide selection of accessories, kits, and more at Backroad Customs. If you need affordable customization to your vehicle, they should be your first choice in the Duncan, Ok area! See an overview of their services below.
If you're looking for custom show quality work for your ride, trust the team with over 30 years of experience in automotive customization. When it comes to your truck or car, Backroad Customs has you covered!
Contact Backroad Customs today at (580) 641-2395 and be sure to check out their website!